Cryptoon Goonz Run/Walk 5k

Hi! SpartanSteve here (Goon 1417) with a simple, fun, and cheap idea that hits on the Community part of the Cryptoon Goonz Principals.
The vision of this proposal is to get the goonz community to do something together, even when we are all across the world all while doing something to improve our health. As far as I am aware, this may also be a first 5k for a NFT community to do (add another first for the goonz). As we are becoming more and more aware of how a strong twitter presence can help grow a project, this will give us another thing to tweet about and be proud of accomplishing. A 5k may be just another cardio day for some, but would love to give something for people who don’t exercise a lot something to work towards and hopefully create a habit they can continue on past just this race.
My vision is to have the 5k in either June or as early as we can have it with a week to complete and submit it. Medals with an existing goon OR a new custom made by Sean will be given to all that signed up for the event. Ideally everyone would have the medal beforehand so they can post a picture with it when they finish the 5k, but I understand that may not be feasible. Another aspect that I need more help on is a way people can submit their addresses so the medals could be sent to them directly because I think it may be cheaper / easier than someone getting the medals in bulk and sending out the medals from there.
The top 3 times (need to be verified) would get prizes. 3rd place would get money for a ledger, 2nd place getting some money for apparel and 1st place getting the custom made 5k Goon airdropped to their wallet. Times can be sent to a discord channel made for the 5k, a website we use, or even the comments of this proposal.
I have never set up anything like this so I can’t be certain on the cost of this, but can’t imagine it would be more than 1.5 ETH.
I would love for this to be a yearly thing and in the future to be open to everyone, not just holders.
Hopefully I’m not forgetting anything and any feedback will be appreciated, thank you #goongang :japanese_goblin:


I like the aspect of this for sure! And theres probably a ton of diffrent platforms like strava ++ we could use to create a β€œprivate” event for this. That way we could easily track both times and who participates.

Also, we could issue a POAP through eg: for attendance / medals.

Drawback: People who dont want to be β€œSOME” doxed will need to create a new account on those platforms

TLDR: I like the idea, and would like to participate in something like this myself - this will also impact the mental health aspect for holders! They should either feel proud or tired :smiley: