Goonz Community Call 11/9

How do we want to manage the community stash?

  • @drewsifsoup i think we should consider pulling out a % immediately w/ the state of the market & potential future needs in 2023 for the funds
  • @legume what if we dollar cost average out a % on a monthly basis? base it on a specific budget that’s needed for Q1.
  • @t777NOS - maybe we can do a blend of DCAing out & doing an upfront conversion
  • maybe we can set price targets for sells along w/

from @t777NOS: Working on 3D cameras at his company

  • lots of possibilities, 3D music videos, podcasts, live events, etc.
  • want to work with NFT communities, maybe even turn people into their NFTs on camera

from Kia: Was there media from NFT London?

  • yes, we posted content on our IG stories and RTed good content from people on twitter
  • @Kiaa can we post the content in Discord so people can see it?
  • @Jessefriedland what if we do a “live event thread” on twitter posting content and then share that thread to the discord #community-updates channel along with the Instagram

Complex Con Ideas

  • content contest for Goonz who attend and post with a photo #GoonComplex
  • deciding how to get the best content from Complex Con onto socials
  • @Kiaa suggested we have something going on in the discord at during the event so when new people pop in it looks exciting
  • should we do an IG live from the booth? maybe @Ral_ontheverse can do an IG takeover
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