OOH Advertising (Painted Wall)

Just saw BAYC x MAYC doing some OOH in BK, which was fully permitted and paid for.

I run an OOH Media Agency, working with some of the biggest brands/startups - And have relationships with all media owners, which ultimately enable me to get the best possible rates/value for our budget (which ensures that well get the best possible deal).

Perhaps we get @Sean Cryptoon :japanese_goblin: to draw something that I can get posted on one of these handpaints in NY? If we have $40k - $75k available in our budget i can probably get this done (with Colossal Media, who are the best in the biz), and with a time lapse content package included (so we’d get behind the scenes paint mixing/painting/etc. - which we can then have to push out via twitter, instagram, etc.).

Colossal are experts in the space, so there wouldn’t be any worry for how the art would turn out (in relation to what Sean would draw).

Perhaps for the next portal? Urban Outfitters Partnership (would they be open to splitting the cost as a Co-op)?

Need 4 weeks lead time for me to plan the media/account for production.


Hey, @_Wigi Can you please see 🗳 Goonz Stash Vision & Proposal Framework and update the proposal to reflect the appropriate submission format?

Happy to work with you on this if you have questions!